Stowarzyszenie "Bractwo Świętego Ognia"

ul. Świętych Cyryla i Metodego 4/319

03-403 Warszawa

KRS: 0000820584

NIP: 1133008946

tel. +48 605 696 770


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The Association 'Holy Light Brotherhood' was founded with blessing of His Eminence Highly Blessed Sawa, Orthodox Metropolitan of Warsaw and all Poland. The purpose of the Association HLB is widely understood organisation of pilgrimages to the Holy Land to bring the Holy Fire (Holy Light, Greek Ἃγιον Φῶς) - the miracle that occurs every year at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem on Great Saturday.


Statutory areas of activity of the Association HLB are much wider and among others concern promotion of Orthodox culture and tradition, care for monuments and cemeteries, organization of pilgrimages to holy places of worship. The statute of the Association HLB is the basic document describing its functioning.


Holy Fire is bringing yearly to Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church since 2010 by God's will. It is great blessing not for the Orthodox believers in Poland, but for all people of faith who adore the mystery of Christ's Resurrection. The whole procedure of bringing the Holy Fire requires a lot of effort, but the costs are very high. Organized pilgrimages would not be possible without the dedication of people of good will. It should be borne in mind that the cost incurred is the rental of the entire plane, adapted to the transport of dangerous materials which includes open fire.

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The Association

Holy Light Brotherhood